CHME Common Syllabus Addendum
The NMSU Chemical & Materials Engineering Department has developed a single addendum to each course syllabus, containing information common to all courses in the curriculum. Please refer to this document for policies and procedures relevant to each CHME course.
CHME Undergrad Core
The undergraduate core are those classes required of all tracks through the BSCHE.
- CHME 101. Introduction to Chemical Engineering (2)
- CHME 102. Material Balances (2)
- CHME 201. Energy Balances & Basic Thermodynamics (3)
- CHME 303. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (4)
- CHME 305. Transport Operations I: Fluid Flow (3)
- CHME 306. Transport Operations II: Heat and Mass Transfer (4)
- CHME 307. Transport Operations III: Staged Operations (3)
- CHME 323L. Transport Operations and Instrumentation Laboratory I (1)
- CHME 352L. Simulation of Unit Operations (1)
- CHME 361. Engineering Materials (3)
- CHME 392. Numerical Methods in Engineering (3)
- CHME 412. Process Dynamics and Control (3)
- CHME 423L. Unit Operations Laboratory (1)
- CHME 341. Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Engineering (3)
- CHME 448. Industrial Safety (3)
- CHME 452. Chemical Process Design & Economic Evaluation (3)
- CHME 455. Chemical Plant Design (3)
- CHME 455L. Chemical Plant Simulation (1)
CHME Graduate Core
The graduate core represents all classes required of the MSCHE and Ph D in Chemical Engineering.
- CHME 501. Graduate Thermodynamics for Chemical Engineers (3)
- CHME 506. Graduate Transport Phenomena (3)
- CHME 516. Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering (3)
- CHME 542. Graduate Reactor Analysis and Design (3)
- CHME 594. Professional Communication in Chemical Engineering (2)
- CHME 690. Graduate Seminar (1)
CHME Graduate Elective Courses
- CHEM 595. Graduate Process Design
- CHME 596. Chemical Process Industries Research
- CHME 597. Advanced Chemical Process Industry Analysis
CHME Elective Courses
The CHME elective requirements in all CHME degree programs are fulfilled by the list of courses below (400-level for BSCHE, 500-level for MSCHE and Ph D where cross-listed). This list is not as complete as found in the Undergraduate Catalog because these are the courses that will continued to be taught with some regularity in the short-term. Other elective courses found in the catalog but not listed below may not be taught again, and will eventually be removed from the catalog if that is the case.
- CHME 391. Industrial Employment (1-2)
- CHME 449. Intellectual Property for Engineers and Scientists (3)
- CHME 461/561. Calculation of Material and Molecular Properties (3)
- CHME 464/564. Polymer Science (3)
- CHME 465/565. Rheology and Viscoelasticity
- CHME 467/567. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (3)
- CHME 468/568. Adsorption
- CHME 470. Introduction to Nuclear Energy (3)
- CHME 471. Health Physics (3)
- CHME 472. Detection Techniques for Radionuclides and Volatile Organic Compounds (3)
- CHME 474. Power Plant Design (3)
- CHME 476. Nuclear Fuel Cycles (3)
- CHME 479. Degradation and Corrosion of Materials (3)
- CHME 481/581. Biomedical Engineering and Engineering Healthcare (3)
- CHME 485/585. Materials from Biorenewable Resources (3)
- CHME 486/586. Biofuels (3)
- CHME 491. Special Topics (3)
- CHME 495. Brewing Science & Engineering (4)
- CHME 495L. Brewing Science and Engineering Laboratory
- CHME 498. Undergraduate Research (1-3)
General Education
This course cannot be taken to fulfill the Viewing a Wider World requirement in the BSCHE curriculum.