
Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty

Dr. Mohammad Aliedeh 
Professor of Practice (Associate Professor - Sabbatical Leave from Mutah University) 

Office: JH 258
Phone: (575)646-3691
email: maliedeh@nmsu.edu

Educational Background:

PhD in Chemical Engineering, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA (2004)
MSc. in Chemical Engineering, Jordan University of Science & Technology, Irbid, Jordan (1997)
BSc. in Chemical Engineering, Jordan University of Science & Technology, Irbid, Jordan (1992)

Dr. Paul K. Andersen
Associate Professor

Office: JH 263
Phone: (575) 646-8153
email: pka@nmsu.edu

Educational Background:
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of California-Berkeley (1987)
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Brigham Young University (1981)


Dr. Catherine E. Brewer
Associate Professor
John Kaichiro Nakayama and Tome Miyaguchi Nakayama Endowed Professorship of the College of Engineering

Office: JH 252
Phone: (575) 646-8637
email: cbrewer@nmsu.edu

Educational Background:
Ph.D., Iowa State University, Chemical Engineering and Biorenewable Resources & Technology (2012)
B.S., Chemistry, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana (2007)


NuChemE Pipeline website

Dr. Alejandro Gallegos 
Assistant Professor 

Office: JH 260
Phone: (575) 646-2093
email: agal@nmsu.edu

Educational Background:

Ph.D., Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Riverside, CA (2022)
M.S., Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Riverside, CA (2017)
B.S., Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Riverside, CA (2016)

Dr. Joseph H. Holles
Academic Department Head & Professor
Bob Davis Endowed Professorship of Chemical & Materials Engineering

Office: JH 262
Phone: (575) 646-9837
email:  jholles@nmsu.edu

Educational Background:
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 2000
M.E., Chemical Engineering,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 1998
B.S., Chemical Engineering,
Iowa State University, Ames, IA 1990


Dr. Jessica P. Houston

Office: JH 256
Phone: (575) 646-5563
email: jph@nmsu.edu

Educational Background:
Ph.D.,  Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University (2005)
M.S.,  Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University (2002)
B.S.,  Chemical Engineering, New Mexico State University (2000)


Houqian Li  
Associate Professor 

Office258 Jett Hall

Educational Background:

Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Washington State University (2021)
B.S. in Chemistry, Nankai University (2016)


Dr. Hongmei Luo
Luke Barry Shires Endowed Professorship of Chemical & Materials Engineering

Office: JH 254
Phone: (575) 646-4204
email: hluo@nmsu.edu

Educational Background:
Ph. D.,  Chemical Engineering, Tulane University (2006)
B.S., Chemistry, Fuyang Normal University, China (1992)


Dr. Thomas A. Manz
Associate Professor

Office: JH 150
Phone: (575) 646-2503

Educational Background:
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Purdue University (2009)
M.S., Chemical Engineering, Purdue University (1998)
B.S., Chemical Engineering, The University of Toledo (1994)


Dr. Sergio Martinez-Monteagudo
Assistant Professor

Office: GT 353E
Phone: (575) 646 1185

Educational Background:
Ph.D., Bioresource & Food Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada (2013)
M.Sc., Food Science & Technology, Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico (2005)
B.Sc., Chemical Engineering, Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico (2003)


Dr. Stephen Taylor  

Office: JH 251
email: sptaylor@nmsu.edu

Educational Background:

Ph.D Chemistry, Clemson University, Clemson, SC (2004)
B.A. Chemistry and history, Rice University, Houston, TX (1993)

Meng Zhou
Assistant Professor

Office: JH 166
Phone: (575) 646-1516
email: mzhou@nmsu.edu

Educational Background:

Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, New Mexico State University (2016)
MS in Physics, Tulane University (2006)
BS in Material Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China (1994)
