1. Course number and name
CHME 324L. Transport and Instrumentation Laboratory II
2. Credits and contact hours
1 credit hours = 37 contact hours per semester
3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name
4. Text book, title, author, and year
a. other supplemental materials
Laboratory experiment instruction booklets provided in class.
5. Specific course information
a. catalog description: Design of laboratory experiments that demonstrate the principles of process measurement and instrumentation through the determination of thermodynamic properties, transport phenomena properties, and heat and mass transfer coefficients. Treatment of data to include regression techniques, calculation of measurement error, and statistical analysis of variance.
b. prerequisites: none co-requisites: CHME 323L
c. required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1): required
6. Specific goals for the course
a. The student will…
- organize and carry out experimental design and actual hands-on experiments;
- understand safety regulations and safe operation procedures in the chemical engineering laboratory • be able to analyze and interpret;
- experimental data with theories learned in previous courses;
- write organized and cohesive technical reports;
- organize and prepare standard operating procedures;
- work effectively in a team environment; and
- prepare and present technical works and answer questions.
b. Criterion 3 Student Outcomes specifically addressed by this course are found in a mapping of outcomes against all CHME courses in the curriculum.
7. Brief list of topics to be covered
- analysis of centrifugal pumps, valve coefficients, and piping
- analysis of fixed and fluidized beds
- study the rheology of two common consumer fluids
- analysis of a double-pipe heat exchanger
Common Syllabus Addendum
The NMSU Department of Chemical Engineering maintains a syllabus addendum containing course requirements common to all courses with the CH E prefix online. This document is accessible from the URL: http://chme.nmsu.edu/academics/syllabi/chme-common-syllabus-addendum/
[gview file=”https://chme.nmsu.edu/files/2018/01/syllabus-spring-2018-CHME-324L.pdf”]